
Hello, I am Mandara Cromwell.
I have spent my life studying the profound effects of sound healing and I am excited to share many of my experiences and the latest discoveries with you in my blog.

Cyma Technologies recently joined hands with one of our many research partners for a preliminary study with the AMI 850 device, utilizing one of the most popular channels in the Keys To Health grouping—Channel Eighteen—Vibrant Body Nutrition.

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Cyma Technologies conducts numerous studies each year on the efficacy of therapeutic sound, using the AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices. The most recent 2023 study, revealed some very exciting findings with the AMI 850 and live blood cell microscopy.

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Many people ask, do you have a frequencies for____(fill in the blank with any cognitive, autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive or nervous system disorder, sports injury or joint and muscle pain; whatever your condition or diagnosis).  The short answer is, yes, there is a frequency formula for everything.  However, it is important to understand that the recovery from dis-ease (or dis-harmony) process involves many frequencies, not just one. 

I ask that you put on the lenses reflecting our approach at Cyma Technologies and take a look at your discomfort, dis-ease, from this perspective.

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At the start of a new year, it is natural to revisit the past and look to the future with a renewed vision and positive outlook. Our thoughts and emotions, which are closely linked, will play a part in how we view the unfolding of 2024

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A woman once asked me, “Why do I need one of your devices, when I can purchase frequencies to listen to off of the internet. The answer to this is very involved and yet simple at the same time.

Please allow me to share some important information that I have gathered during more than two decades of sound research.

Sound is an all-encompassing topic. Highly scientific information about how it can be used therapeutically, is being revealed almost daily. The AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices and the frequency patterns contained in them are the result of the work of countless researchers, doctors, sound therapy practitioners and the endeavors of my company over decades.

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What is a harmonic? This term is employed in various disciplines including music, physics, acoustics and electronic power transmissions. It is typically applied to repeating signals such as a sinusoidal wave. What’s that? It’s sometimes called a sine wave and it is important because it has a smooth periodic oscillation. It is the only waveform that retains its shape, even when added to another waveform....

Can people change? Do they really want to? It has been said that if you want to create change in the world, then you must first make a change within yourself. One of the ways to do this is with sound healing. Most everyone on the earth today is wishing for some kind of transformation. All of us are weary of the many challenges we have faced in recent months-- and it appears we still have a way to go. We are being forced to look at the way we were living and the impact on life itself. ...

As we are stepping back, pausing to observe our world and hoping for the tools to recreate it, we are all looking for avenues to find that “calm place” inside—a new song for the body. This morning, just before getting up, due to lack of traffic and increased moments of stillness, I was able to listen to the songs of the birds around my home. These songs of nature are a precious gift that sometimes goes unnoticed by us all—in the rush to get somewhere in the traffic, to make progress, to move out into the world and leave our marks....

Cyma Technologies