Hear inventor Mandara Cromwell tell the story of how she brought Cymatherapy to the United States and how her invention, the AMI 750 became the most popular device sold at Cyma Technologies for more than a decade.
This collection of short videos help viewers understand how the profound idea of combining ancient healing systems with advanced sound technology found in the AMI 750 led to the innovative designs of the AMI 850 and AMI 500 devices.
We are delighted to share the highlights of ten years of sound healing experiences with you!
“The Birth of the AMI 750”
“The Thomas Edison Award”
“How Do You Know It Works?”
“Evolution—The Cyma Ten”
“The Journey of a Soundflower”
“Viewing The Human Energy Field”
“The Regenerative Power of Sound”
“Sound Dental Health”
“Words We Have Treasured Over The Years”
“Looking Back Brings Clarity”