AMI Devices

Waiver Form

Wavier Form

Waiver for Practitioners and At-Home Users for the AMI 750™ and any products by Cymatics Technologies, Inc.

The Information set forth is based on technical data. It is believed to be reliable according to 50 years of clinical application, compiled both here in the United States, the United Kingdom and around the world.

The information provided for the use of the AMITM is intended for persons having technical and health knowledge, skill and expertise. If you have questions regarding the use of the device or the protocols provided, please contact Cymatics Technologies, Inc., to be connected to an advanced practitioner who will assist you. Contact us at

The consumer is responsible for deciding whether the techniques included are appropriate for their use and application. The consumer assumes full responsibility for conclusions derived from the information and its application.

Cymatics Technologies, nor any of its officers or agents shall have any liability from the consumer’s use and application. Due to the use of the device in the home, outside of the jurisdiction of Cymatics Technologies, the conditions are outside of our control. We make no warranties, express or implied and we assume no liability in connection with any use or application of this information or the use of the device.

User agrees to adhere to and comply with the standards of practice, use the terminology set forth by the United States FDA policy, and/or the regulation set forth by the consumer protection agency.

The user agrees to read and comply with the materials provided on the safe and prudent use of the AMI 750TM and any other Cymatics Technologies products and agrees to follow the safety guidelines. The user understands that they assume full responsibility for allowing any of the devices to be used by any other client or family member.

Cymatics Technologies, Inc., reserves all rights regarding any and all frequencies, protocols and visual images created by our products for use in any online or printed materials from inception into perpetuity. The frequencies, protocols and visual images are the intellectual property of Cymatics Technologies, Inc., and any reproduction of such, either written materials or visual images, recorded or in live presentations are strictly prohibited.


AMI 750™ Owner:

*indicates required field
Cyma Technologies