Ami 850 Certification Program
Ami 850 Certification Program
Congratulations on choosing to learn more about the expanding field of vibrational medicine!
At Cyma Technologies we are dedicated to educating individuals on the devices we innovate and manufacture, along with providing training programs to achieve and sustain vibrant health.
The knowledge and techniques we provide help sound therapists become proficient in the use of the twenty channels found in the AMI 850 Acoustic Meridian Intelligence device. This instrument is one of the most successful drug-free, non-invasive sound therapy tools for relieving stress and pain in the market place today. With it, the health potential is limitless!
I encourage you to consider embarking on a career that will help create the groundwork for the healthcare of the future. This certification course provides sound therapy training with the AMI 850 device to your friends, family and community. Many people are turning to a more natural way of improving their lives and health. With our exclusive Cyma Technologies certification, you can become instrumental in this transformation.
The AMI 850 Basics Course is the most comprehensive training offered for the AMI 850 device. Developed by Dr. Mandara Cromwell and Sound Education Director, Kate Holland, the extensive manual provides knowledge and techniques for private owners, Cymatherapists, doctors and other healthcare professionals. Committed students have up to six months to complete the self-paced course, which includes a downloadable AMI 850 Basics manual, Resource Guide, videos and mentorship with our advanced therapists.
The AMI Basics Certification allows graduates to offer Cymatherapy sessions using the 20 channels on the AMI 850 device.
The training was created exclusively for owners of the AMI 850 device or the upgraded AMI 750. The pre-requisite is ownership of one of these devices.
Section One – The Cyma Ten
The first ten channels on the AMI 850 device are named the Cyma Ten. A chapter is dedicated to each of these channels and includes an in-depth discussion on the multiple uses of them. This grouping of channels was created to address the underlying causes of disease and to support the major systems of the body that may have become compromised.
The first five channels include the following:
Channel One – Stress Relief
Channel Two – Pain/Musculo-Skeletal
Channel Three – Pain/Inflammatory
Channel Four – Vitality
Channel Five – Anti-Aging
The second five are called Body Balancing channels and support the major systems in the body, to include the following:
Channel Six – Body Balancing A for the Immune System
Channel Seven – Body Balancing B for the Respiratory System
Channel Eight – Body Balancing C for the Cardiovascular System
Channel Nine – Body Balancing D for the Digestive System
Channel Ten – Body Balancing E for the Nervous System
Techniques for accessing the healing power of each of these channels and important information about the body’s systems is included in this section. Also available are instructions on how to combine the Cyma Ten channels for the optimum use of the device and essential protocols. The next steps for progressing into the use of the Keys To Health channels are also provided.
Section Two – The Keys To Health
Channels Eleven–Twenty are dedicated to improving the functionality of the body and helping it to achieve and sustain vibrant health. These channels are highly effective in following the use of the Cyma Ten channels to build a foundation for “sound health.” Each of the channels has a dedicated chapter to assist in understanding the body systems or techniques involved in using them.
Channel Eleven – Cellular Dance
Channel Twelve – Memory and Focus
Channel Thirteen – Bone Fitness
Channel Fourteen – Energy Body Nutrition
Channel Fifteen – Emotional Harmony
Channel Sixteen – Toxicity Clearing
Channel Seventeen – Sound Sleep
Channel Eighteen – Vibrant Body Nutrition
Channel Nineteen – Immune Shield
Channel Twenty – Healthy Metabolism
The Keys to Health channels are not to be combined. However, a study of the continued use of them (how best they can be used in sequence), is provided.
Basic information is included for owners of the AMI 850 and AMI 500, for an understanding as to how to use both devices and their respective techniques, in a complementary way.
Additional materials are included in the Cyma Technologies Resource Guide, which will be discussed in the course during the mentorship with advanced therapists.
As an RN, Life Coach and long-time user of the AMI devices, I was excited to be asked to review the new “AMI 850 Basics Training.” There is so much healing potential in the AMI devices that is sometimes difficult to know which channels are best to use. The new training manual is written in such a way that new owners, beginner level practitioners and highly trained healthcare practitioners will be able to utilize it. Bravo Cyma Technologies! Thank you for caring enough to educate people about this effective and important asset to the healthcare of the future.
J. Dillon, RN, MN, BCC
Every day I counsel businesses and organizations on how to get the best from their staffs. I have reviewed many training programs and have witnessed the power they have to help participants put forth the message of the company in a way that benefits everyone. There is an exceptional amount of knowledge and techniques in the AMI 850 training manual that will benefit owners of the device and healthcare professionals. As a collective, we must find better ways of caring for ourselves and our planet. This can be a beautiful start for everyone.
L. Hudson, Organizational Management Consultant, Fortune 500 Businesses
When I first got my AMI 850, I really didn’t want to do the training.I watched the orientation videos and thought I would be fine to figure out the rest on my own. Then I realized that just using random channels now and then was just barely touching the surface of what I wanted to do with my health. I had made an investment with the device and I knew I needed to go the extra mile and take the course. It has really paid off. Not only is my own health better, but I feel more confident about helping my family. Thank you, Cyma Technologies, for making it all so easy to do!!
Jeremy in the UK
I am excited to say that I was one of the first people to take the AMI 850 Basics Course! When it came out, I was a little apprehensive because I work a full-time job, but the way the course was described, and the genuine helpfulness of the staff, convinced me that I could do it. All throughout the self-paced course, they stayed in touch with me and I found myself more and more inspired because of the potential for helping people. As it turned out, I was able to find plenty of time to dedicate to it. Dr. Cromwell and Kate made the classes so exciting and informative, I saw how important the study of Cymatherapy could really be for the world. I am excited to be a part of it all.
Jennifer in Ohio
As a long-time user of the AMI devices, I was excited when I learned that my AMI 750 could be upgraded to include the new ten channels on the AMI 850. I knew I would need training on the new ten channels, but I was really surprised at how much I was able to learn about the use of the first ten channels as well. As I have learned over the years, there are always new discoveries at Cyma Technologies! I am so glad they include their 750 owners in the latest innovations. Taking the training was one of my best decisions!
Beth in AZ
As a natural health physician, I use a lot of therapeutic devices in my practice. To implement the AMI 850 has been so easy—it is organized into channels that assisted me in making recommendations for my patients right away. There was so much great information in the AMI 850 Training course, that I had my Office Manager take it, which has also helped with patient education. We have been very successful offering sessions for patients who need pain relief, in a non-invasive way that does not require drugs. The Cyma Technologies staff was full of creative ideas on how we could promote the health benefits of using therapeutic sound. It is amazing how much better we all feel in thirty minutes!!
Dr. D in GA
I am new to sound therapy, so I was a little intimidated at first, because it seemed like 20 channels was a lot to learn about. The truth was, I felt much more confident after taking the AMI 850 Basics course. I now have a whole new appreciation for how the body works. The device holds so many answers for people about how to improve their health, and how to stop creating diseases with stress and toxicity overload. I have decided to work at a health spa and provide special stress and pain relief protocols. Thank you Cyma Technologies for helping new therapists like me! I would recommend this course to doctors, therapists and regular people who want to learn about and take responsibility for their health.
Sara in TX
I had been an owner of the AMI 750 for almost a year, when I decided to embark on further study with it. Through the course, I learned what an incredible instrument for healing it is. After my study of Cymatherapy I have been able to help my family and many others with a full understanding of the channels and potential of energy medicine. Even though it was an online course, I had the support of the training staff the entire time.
Margie, private owner in Atlanta
The online course was especially beneficial to me, as I was able to complete it at my own pace while working and caring for my family. As a certification program, it has definitely prepared me for a second career that fortunately I was able to integrate into my job at a chiropractic office. I started using the AMI 750 device very efficiently and introduced it to our patients right away.
Terri, chiropractic assistant in Atlanta