AMI Devices

The AMI 850

Mandara Cromwell, DCM

Mandara Cromwell, DCM

Hello, I’m Mandara Cromwell, CEO of Cyma Technologies and Innovator of the AMI Devices

“Join me in celebrating the latest in the evolution of

the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices.”

Cyma-Technologies Ami 850

The AMI 850 has TWENTY HIGHLY EFFECTIVE CHANNELS for rejuvenation in all aspects of health. These fully researched protocols are contained in one advanced sound technology instrument!

The AMI 850 is the latest evolution of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence devices

In addition to the original “Cyma Ten” channels—created to alleviate the underlying causes of disease, the AMI 850 contains the new “Keys To Health” protocols. Formulated to elevate your body to its next level of vibrant health. These additional ten channels will open the doors to the healing potential that already exists within the body.


  • Applies sound through the portals of the feet utilizing the meridian pathways
  • Employs fully researched audible frequency programs for a focused approach to health
  • Utilizing two of Mother Nature’s precious, health-giving materials—tourmaline and germanium
  • Combines ancient principles, quantum physics and advanced sound technology
  • Delivers fast and phenomenal results with the evolution of Cyma Technologies patented sound discoveries

Why Do I Need These Channels?

The AMI 850 comes equipped with the original Cyma Ten channels. Each one assists the body in addressing the underlying causes of disease, as well as offering ongoing support to the health of the body’s major systems. The 30-minute channels are highly effective in reducing stress and pain and can be used in combination, when needed, for specific health challenges or wellness goals.

The Keys to Health channels were created to fortify the functions of the body through enhancing cellular communication, balancing emotions, deepening sleep, improving nutrition, increasing metabolism, boosting the immune system and stimulating bone re-growth.  Each of the AMI 850 channels was created with specific frequency combinations to address health challenges and achieve health goals.

See Complete Channel Listing Below


Each device includes a detailed owner’s manual and three free hours of consultation with an advanced level therapist.

Coming soon—tutorial videos on all new channels!

Channel Descriptions for the

AMI 850

The AMI 850 is the next evolution of the Acoustic Meridian Intelligence concept and advanced sound technology instruments. The device houses a unique collection of twenty health-building channels, with a new “sound delivery system,” using two of Mother Nature’s most precious ingredients—Tourmaline and Germanium. The gemstones and minerals embedded in the new foot pads of the device enhance the healing potential for everyone. With the twenty channels available, owners will have a plan for disease prevention and a path to health and longevity.

The AMI 850 comes equipped with the original “Cyma Ten” channels from the AMI 750, along with ten new channels we have named the “Keys To Health.”

The first Cyma Ten channels were created to help the body in addressing the underlying causes of disease, as well as to support the ongoing health of the body’s major systems. Here they are:

Channel One—Stress Relief

This channel addresses mental, emotional and physical stresses, which have proven to be some of the underlying causes of disease.

Channel Two—Pain Musculo/Skeletal

This channel is best used for acute pain which accompanies injury to the body—but can also be combined with Channel Three for chronic, long-term symptoms including inflammation.

Channel Three—Pain Inflammatory

This channel can be used for pain caused by inflammation. It can also be helpful to diminish inflammation that accompanies other disease processes, such as auto-immune diseases.

Channel Four—Vitality

This channel provides a natural energy boost. It is helpful in recovering from illnesses and can also be part of a wellness program for adding energy to focused sports or workout related activities.

Channel Five—Anti-Aging

This channel stimulates the natural age-defying functions in the body and can be used for health maintenance. It is helpful for supporting the functions of the organs and major systems in the body.

Channel Six—Body Balancing A—the Immune System

This channel provides assistance to the body when fighting off illness, as well as continuing to build a healthy immune system.

Channel Seven—Body Balancing B—the Respiratory System

This channel offers support for the lungs as well as works to diminish any inflammation in the system caused by infection or chronic illness.

Channel Eight—Body Balancing C—the Cardiovascular System

This channel increases circulation and supports heart health, while aiding in releasing stress which Is often the cause of cardiovascular disease.

Channel Nine—Body Balancing D—the Digestive System

This channel offers assistance in digestion and food absorption along with dissipation of inflammation which is often the cause of digestive issues.

Channel Ten—Body Balancing E—the Nervous System

This channel supports the nervous system with stress relieving frequencies as well as assists in releasing toxicity which is helpful in reducing pain.
The following are the Keys To Health channels, which are in addition to the Cyma Ten in the AMI 850. These channels focus on the health and functionality of the body’s systems.

Channel Eleven—the Cellular Dance

This channel optimizes the functions of the cells to include the correct metabolism, oxygenation, and the orchestration of the vital life force circulating throughout the human form.

Channel Twelve—Memory and Focus

This channel serves as a re-set of our brain functions, while improving emotional and mental function, creating calm and less stress on our nervous systems.

Channel Thirteen—Bone Fitness

This channel helps with the ongoing natural process of bone tissue remodeling itself, fortifying the bone matrix and creating a strong and healthy skeleton.

Channel Fourteen—Energy Body Nutrition

By combining the frequencies of color and vitamins, we can strengthen the nutritional pathways between the vital organs. Sound can move through our energetic bodies and aid in the conversion of food to energy.

Channel Fifteen—Emotional Harmony

This channel will help to mitigate the effects of stress and re-train the brain and emotional body to have healthier responses to known stressors.

Channel Sixteen—Toxicity Clearing

This channel is designed to offset the effects of environmental toxins. This is a tool for clearing our systems and helping to fortify the body against auto-immune diseases, by reducing inflammation.

Channel Seventeen—Sound Sleep

This channel brings a cascade of healing frequencies to the “five bodies,” physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, so that a deep rest and relaxation can be experienced, providing the opportunity for the body’s healing to happen.

Channel Eighteen—Vibrant Body Nutrition

This channel uses specific frequencies to support immune system health, which in turn, allows all the other systems to thrive. These “sound vitamins and minerals” provide a powerful source of vibrancy for the physical and energetic bodies.

Channel Nineteen—Immune Shield

This channel stimulates the body’s defense system, protecting it from pathogens that may try to attack its weakest link. It is a support for healthy emotions and heightened energy, both necessary for a highly functioning immune system.

Channel Twenty—Healthy Metabolism

This channel brings balance to two activities of the body which happen simultaneously—the building up of body tissues and energy stores, while breaking down tissues to release more fuel for the body functions. This balance helps to create healthy energy levels and body weight.

Cyma Technologies